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Select all records between two dates using calendar

marcel ethan 2028 27-Jan-2014

I would like to search record by two dates, the two dates will be selected by a user via calendar. This is how I wrote the query:

public List<Staff> GetStaff(DateTime DateOne, DateTime DateTwo, string staffColourCode)


    List<Staff> l= new List<Staff>();

    SqlConnection conn = new connection etc...

    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE CAST(Time AS date) BETWEEN @Time and @Time", conn);

    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Time", DateOne);


    SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

    while (reader.Read())


        Staff s= new Staff();

        s.Name= reader["Name"].ToString();





    return l;


In my database if i replace Time with some date then it works but how do i write a query that allows a users to select two dates and based on DateOne and DateTwo search the list of Staff who has a colour code of whatever a user selects e.g. Green, Yellow etc...

c# c# 
Updated on 27-Jan-2014

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